Archive of ‘Teacher Tools’ category

Zing! Thousands of Free eBooks for Students

Thousands of Free eBooks for Students with a built-in dictionary and tools for taking notes while you read. Free accounts include:

  • Unlimited, simultaneous access to thousands of authentic eBooks and short digital texts;
  • Customized personal library-building capability;
  • Embedded eLearning teaching points;
  • eLearning Assessments (multiple-choice, reading response, and constructed response);
  • eReader Tools (annotating and note-taking, highlighting, bookmarks, and an interactive dictionary powered by the Collins Cobuild Dictionaries);
  • Audio eBooks and eLearning; and
  • Accessibility on interactive whiteboards, personal computers, laptops, and tablets

Want to learn more? Click here for a free webinar

Landscapes at Lincoln

5th grade students at Lincoln School used iPads to take landscape images around the school and playground.  With the help of Mrs. Kaufman students researched landscape artist, Ansel Adams, to help prepare for this project. This week students retrieved images from their Google Drive to edit in Google Drawing. Students manipulated images with cropping, coloring and brightness. The images will be printed, framed and hung in the new Lincoln School Art Gallery. For daily art class updates by Mrs. Kaufman follow Lincoln School’s FB page @ Lincoln School k-5 Art.  





Global Read Aloud at Wilson & Jefferson

This year, fourth grade students at Wilson and Jefferson Schools will be participating in a project called the Global Read Aloud. The idea behind it is very simple; teachers around the world read the same book aloud to their students and then use technology to share the reading experience with other classrooms.

During the project, Mrs. Emmolo and Mrs. Berkman will be reading Fish In a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt and assisting the classes as they connect with students around the world who are reading the same book. This project will allow students to use technology tools in a meaningful way, as well as learn about other cultures, all while listening to a fantastic read aloud. They will also be using Twitter to facilitate these connections and conversations.

More than 200,000 students are already signed up to participate, what an exciting project! If you would like more information about the Global Read Aloud, feel free to visit the website

Follow @kate_berkman & @TweetingWith3E on Twitter to experience the Global Read Aloud with CWC. Checkout the official hashtag #GRA15 – this is for anything Global Read Aloud related.

The author already tweeted back to acknowledge their participation 🙂

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Epic! An online library free for educators

Download the Epic! app and create an account for your class.  Unlimited online books categorized by subject, reading level and/or interest.  You won’t find all the latest and greatest books written but the selection is decent and the best part… it’s free!  Some books have an audio option as well.

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